Lil Falcons Wrestling is BACK!!!

by tobin on October 9th, 2022

We’re excited to welcome back the Lil Falcons (K-5th Grade) wrestling program this year to the elementary gyms.  Practices start Wednesday, Nov 2 and will take place right after school in the elementary gyms for three weeks on Monday and Wednesday.  The cost is FREE and will end with a tournament at the high school on Saturday morning, November 19.  The Academies team consisting of DMCS/FLS/MSAD/MSAB will hold their practices at the nearest elementary (DMCS practices at Jefferson, FLS practices at Lincoln, MSAD/MSAB practices at Roosevelt). Also, join use for spaghetti dinner at the Legion on November 19th from 4-7pm.

Click on the forms below for information and register!  Deadline is October 28th.

Roosevelt Wrestling Registration

Lincoln Wrestling Registration

Jefferson Wrestling Registration

Academies Wrestling Registration